01 avril, 2010

Rio di Santa Caterina

Rio di Santa Caterina

6 commentaires:

  1. Ogni rio ha una propria particolarità e merita di essere disegnato e fotografato :)

  2. Un brin de soleil pascal c'est bien agréable

  3. Dominique: Merci pour votre visite et bienvenue sur mon blog. Bon congé pascal!
    à bientôt

  4. Oui, un brin de soleil ne fait pas de mal car ici il pleut!!!!!
    C'est la semaine sainte mais quand même!!!!
    Bon après midi!

  5. I just discovered your blog through Annie (Churches in Venice). Your photos are gorgeous! I was in Venice when the Sargent exhibit was there. I really enjoyed seeing his paintings and recognized them right away on your blog. I look forward to enjoying more of your photos. I only wish I knew some French and apologize for not being able to comment in French.

  6. Girasoli: Thanks for your comment! I'm happy that you enjoy my pictures. As I always say, it's a pleasure to share them with others. There is no problem with the comments in English, I read it perfectly.
