05 novembre, 2013

Nouveau livre sur les jardins de Venise

J'étais bien contente de recevoir une visite de mon facteur aujourd'hui car il m'apportait un livre que j'attendais avec impatience. Un tout nouveau livre sur les jardins de Venise et de Vénétie paru début octobre aux éditions Frances Lincoln Publishers, texte de Jenny Condie et photographies d'Alex Ramsay.

Voici le texte de présentation:

The Gardens of Venice and the Veneto takes in a varied selection of gardens old and new, large and small, public and private. It ranges from tiny monastery gardens tucked away within the walls of Venice to grand palatial landscapes in the former marshes of the hinterland. The book is divided into five sections as well as a lively introduction which captures the rich history of this region. The first section will show the extraordinary gardens still to be found locked behind high walls in the city itself. Then Jenny Condie and Alex Ramsay wander through the more modest parts of the city where ordinary Venetians manage to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables in the most unlikely spots. Then it is out into the lagoon and wild gardens on marshy islands before turning inland to the grand Palladian villas and the Baroque splendours of villas like the Villa Barbarigo and the Villa Allegri Arvedi among many fine country residences of ancient families. All the gardens in the book can be reached within a day's expedition from Venice and practical information about access and advice on the best time of year to visit is included for all those open to the public.

Le début du livre est consacré à Venise. On y visite notamment les jardins des palais Cappello Malipiero Barnabò, Soranzo Cappello et plusieurs jardin de la Giudecca dont celui d'Eden. Puis, on va en terre ferme à Padoue, Rovigo,Treviso,Vérone, Vicenza visiter les jardins des villas. Un beau-livre, présentation soignée, belle mise en page et très belles photos. Je ne sais pas s'il sera traduit en français?

À propos des auteurs:
JENNY CONDIE was born in Edinburgh and took a degree in Italian and History of Art at UCL. She has translated a number of substantial works in the area of art and literary history and criticism, and she has also written in Italian as a journalist. More recently she has worked with the Fondazione di Venezia to originate and run workshops on English Literature for children in local schools. Jenny Condie has lived in Venice since 2002 with her husband, the novelist Enrico Palandri and their three children.

ALEX RAMSAY lives in the Welsh Marches. He is a photographer of international repute whose work has appeared in many books published by Frances Lincoln, including Italian Gardens, A Cultural History (recently reissued in paperback) and Italy’s Private Gardens, An Inside View, both written by his wife, the garden historian Helena Attlee.

Références du livre:

Titre: The Gardens of Venice and the Veneto
Auteur: Jenny Condie
Photos: Alex Ramsay
Éd. Frances Lincoln
ISBN: 978-0-7112-34048
Octobre 2013

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